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Easter Week 2023

Kevin Mills

Dear Northway,

Hopefully you are aware of all that is happening on our campus this coming week as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Following is a brief overview of what will be taking place. I hope you’ll participate in as much as your schedule allows.

Palm Sunday Seder Service

April 2, 9AM & 10:30AM

On Palm Sunday we will remember the events of the Passover as we walk through a traditional Jewish Seder meal and celebrate the Lord’s Supper together. The word seder simply means, “orderly.” This meal is so named because it follows a set pattern. For hundreds of years before Jesus came to earth, this orderly meal was celebrated by Jewish families. It was also observed by Jesus and his disciples on the Thursday night before his crucifixion on Friday morning. As we look at the events of that evening, we gain a better understanding of how Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan for humanity.

Celebrate Recovery

April 3, 7PM

Celebrate Recovery meets each Monday evening in our worship center; however, this week I will be speaking and bringing an Easter message for the time of worship. Even if you are not a regular attender of Celebrate Recovery, you are invited to join us for this time of worship.

Good Friday Worship

April 7, 7:00PM

This worship gathering will last about 75 minutes. We will spend time worshipping together, and then walk through the timeline of the events of the Friday Jesus was crucified, compiling the four accounts from the gospel into one story. I hope you’ll be able to join me in worship on Good Friday.

Easter Jam

April 8, 10:00AM

We are so excited to celebrate Easter again this year with Easter Jam! Join us for a short family service with songs, games, and the Easter story. Then, we will have an egg hunt, crafts, inflatables, and games to follow. This is a free event, but please register your family ahead of time.

Saturday Evening Easter Worship

April 9, 6:00PM

Saturday evening will kick off our celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. Although sometimes it feels a little odd celebrating on Saturday (when on Sunday we are truly able to say, “He is risen!”), this time of worship is important for a couple of reasons. First, many of our members and regular attenders will attend on Saturday night in order to free up space for those attending on Sunday. Secondly, a number of our volunteers will come to worship on Saturday and volunteer during both hours on Sunday. Both of these actions allow us to better meet the needs of visitors and infrequent attenders when they come on Easter Sunday to worship.

Sunday Morning Easter Worship

April 9, 9:00AM and 10:30AM

This Easter we will continue in our series, “Developing a Faith for All Seasons,” by looking at a troubling event in the life of Abraham. Although the initial reading of this passage seems to paint a brutal picture of God, a deeper dive into the text helps us to understand how this was a foreshadowing of God’s sacrifice of his one and only son, Jesus. As we walk through this passage, we will see the picture God painted about His ultimate redemptive plan.

As a reminder, if you’re able to attend on Saturday evening, please do so. This will allow for more room on Sunday as we welcome and expect many who are not regular worshippers at Northway to attend.

I’m looking forward to the events of Easter weekend and the opportunity to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord with my church family.

Your Pastor,


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